Saturday, February 22, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 28

1Beetroot - 34 calories

I usually use 2 or 3 beetroot while juicing!

Beetroot is simply amazing for the skin. It purifies the blood from within and cleanses toxins and excess water from the body, imparting a healthy glow to the face.Beetroot juice contains carbohydrates, protein, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and Vitamin B and C. All these nutrients enable blood circulation in the scalp which promotes healthy hair growth.

It's always good to drink this juice raw as cooking beetroot loses its nutritional value. This juice is on the sweeter side, so it is delicious and palatable. Sometimes I mix carrot juice to make it better! 

Beetroot juice is a powerful detoxifying agent, It helps in lowering blood pressure, clearing the blood, intestines and kidneys. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 26

Cucumber – 100gm -16 calories
Lettuce – 100gm - 15 calories
2 Green apples - 52 calories
Green apple contains a lot of Vitamin A,B as well C, it is very good for the nourishment of skin and also has a whitening effect on it. It purifies the blood as it contains a lot of minerals.

Lettuce is bulky, low in calories but high in nutrient value. Consumption of lettuce stimulates appetite and removes toxins from the body. Furthermore, it can also cure deficiency of hemoglobin and mineral salts resulting in clear and radiant skin.

Cucumber contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Cucumber contains 95% water which hydrates and replenishes the body by eliminating the toxins. The high water content in cucumber acts as a system cleanser and sweeps the waste products out of the system.

There are so many benefits that these veggies encompass. This juice is easy to drink as it tastes very good too. Adding a lemon or ginger only enhances the flavor.

I love juices. Especially green ones!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 25

Spinach – 100gm - 23 calories
Stink Beans – 100gm – 2 calories
Ginger - 1 inch - 2 calories
2 Lemons - 17 claories(each)

Why would anyone want to eat something often referred to as "stinky bean"? Well, the beans themselves are not particularly stinky at all. But once you eat them, you will begin to notice things. The effect on your breath will be more worrying.

Petai/ Stink beans are a powerhouse of healthy nutrients. Like other beans it is a useful source of protein. In comparison apples, petai has got protein Four times more, carbohydrates over double the amount, 3 times the phosphorus, 5 times the vitamin A and also iron, and two times as many vitamins along with other minerals.

Leafy greens are very light in calories. And that’s is why I love Spinach! Spinach is also important due to its chlorophyll content, and also supplies an abundance of nutrients such as oxalic acid, which is beneficial in the cleansing and healing of the intestinal tract.

All said and done, I wouldn’t recommend this combination for juicing… I hated it! I can tolerate anything that is least tasteful as long as it is healthy. But I guess I did finally find something I truly cannot tolerate. STINK BEANS! I sure won’t be trying it again.Even after adding lemon I could smell and taste the stink beans. The smell is just overpowering. 

Drinking juice on an empty stomach allows the vitamins and minerals in the juice to go straight to your bloodstream. Having fiber or a meal already in your stomach prevents your body from quickly absorbing the nutrients from the juice. Especially weird tasting veggies have more nutrients! And that is why I drank it without any qualms. But never again!

Yet, am satisfied. Because juicing is MY vitamin pill!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 24

4 large 12" (30cm) stalks of celery - 40 calories.
Carrot - 100 gm - 42 calories

Celery is a good source of Folic Acid and Vitamin A with smaller amounts of Vitamin C and the B complex vitamins.Particularly high in Potassium and Sodium celery juice also contains calcium, carotene, magnesium, phosphorus and silicon.  Celery juice is
delicious on it's own, and it is easily combined with other fruits and vegetables to produce tasty and nutritious juice mixtures.

Carrot juice is a lovely fresh juice that is naturally sweet and so smooth it's almost creamy. Very high in Vitamin A - this comes in the safe form of beta-carotene which the body is able to convert to Vitamin A as required. Also contains Vitamin K and Vitamin C, plus smaller amounts of the B complex vitamins and Vitamin E.

I did break my fast today by having a few veggies and a fish. Due to health reasons and also due to no weight loss in the past week. Body gets so used to fasting that weight loss reaches a plateau. To break the cycle I had a meal today and continued juice fasting again. 

Hopefully this week I should see some weight loss.

Monday, February 17, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 23

Pomegranate – 100gm - 83 calories
Strawberries - 100gm - 33 calories

This juice so far, was the best tasting! The combination of pomegranate and strawberry is sweet tasting and sweet smelling. I suspect must be a little higher on the sugar side though. The rich beautiful colour and the flavour is just blissful.

According to my research on the internet, It seems to cleanse the circulatory system by helping to unclog the arteries, prevent blood clotting, increase oxygen flow to the heart and lower blood pressure. The benefits of pomegranate juice are many. Pomegranate juice is packed with antioxidants, which help rid the body of free radicals

Strawberries have immense benefits to your health when juiced. Strawberries are rich in many minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, all of which are easily absorbed by your body when juiced.

This combination of juice is incredibly beneficial to heart health, skin, immune system and weight loss.
 So bottoms up! Enjoy Juicing!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 22

Brussel sprouts - 100gm - 58 calories
1 cucumber - 45 calories
Parsley - 100gm - 36 calories
1 lemon - 17 calories

Today I juiced Brussel Sprouts, 1 cucumber, lot of parsley and lemon together. I filled 3 bottles with the concentrate and filled it up with water to dilute. This way I make sure I drink enough water too. 

It was so refreshing! 

Cucumber is good for the skin while brussel sprouts contains more iron than spinach! Parsley is rich in many vital vitamins, including Vitamin C,  B 12, K and A. This means parsley keeps your immune system strong, tones your bones and heals the nervous system, too. It also adds flavour to the juice. Lemon assists in weight loss. Lemon makes the tasteless juice tangy. What a combo!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 21

I am half way there!

Yesterday was the 20th day of my juice fasting. I celebrated by buying myself a JUICER! I was using a blender for juicing all these days. A blender is useful but I have to separate pulp from the juice that gets a little tedious. A juicer separates pulp from the juice by default.

I used the juicer today and found that it was so easy. Yet again I used the pulp in water and sieved more juice from it. I feel the pulp still contains some amount of juice in it, which goes wasted if thrown straight away! And I for one would not waste the nutritious juice by throwing it away!

I juiced 2 beetroots first. Then I juiced an inch of ginger and 2 Zucchinis with a cup of Kale and Mint leaves. I realized that juicing green leaves doesnot extract much juice. Hence, I extract juice again by sieving the pulp.

You can see the juice extracted out in the image. I squeezed out more juice out of the pulp and filled half a bottle with the juice. I am satisfied with the results! A great investment indeed! It cost me only $69 and I know I won’t regret!

And so, I have decided that even when the fast ends I shall use the juicer everyday and juicing will be a routine no matter what. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 19

Today marks, officially, 19 days since I decided to go on a juice fast. I’d like to say it’s been a wild ride, but honestly? This was one of the easiest and most successful diets I’ve ever done. It’s a perfect way to cleanse, something to “reboot” my system.

I am 5'4 and weighed 130 pounds. I love food so much. It's an addiction. I might not be obese, but I am not slim either. I looked fat although the weighing scale didn’t think so. It was all water weight which made me look pudgier. As of today, I have lost 3.5 kgs(7.7 lbs). My clothes fit better, I’m wearing my black outfit, I haven’t worn in years. My weight loss is not that significant, as I don’t have much to lose. Yet, the overall appearance has certainly changed. My face is glowing, my eyes gleam and the double chin has just disappeared.

Day time at work, I drink at least 2 liters of Honey dew, Papaya, Soursop etc juices. After I come back home, I make 2 litres of mixed-green juice( only green veggies like lettuce, spinach, celery, mint leaves, watercress, parsley etc with 1 inch ginger and 2 spoonful of apple cider vinegar and sometimes lemon) and drink it all before I fall asleep.

Do I crave for food? Sometimes I do. But a glass of juice is so filling. Yet, the taste buds crave for something spicy or salty. At times like that, I lick off a spoon of tomato ketchup or chilli sauce. And oh boy! Do I feel better!

My friends are quite surprised that they have not seen my energy levels go down. I am still a hyperactive person not showing even a sign of fatigue. Where I get the energy from, I may never know. Sometimes, I feel it is about having the right attitude. As long as you stay positive, nothing can stop us from achieving the goal!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 15

Call me a "food hippie." I am so into natural foods, Chinese herbs and a plant-passionate lifestyle! However, I didn't choose the healthy approach until a year ago. And I am so glad that I turned totally natural and herbal. Now I am a food weirdo and have bizarre taste buds. As long as it's healthy, I can tolerate it.

Today, I stocked up the kitchen with some new veggies along with the regular ones. The new ones to experiment with are:

Brussel Sprouts: They are jam packed with numerous vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals which are known to support a properly functioning body.

Water Cress: Watercress is extremely high in chlorophyll which helps to build healthy red blood cells. It is packed with minerals so is great for mineral deficiencies. Good for any detox program.

Baby Kale: Kale has nutrients that make people feel healthier, lose weight, and just kick more ass! But go easy with Kale. Twice a week is advisable.

Kelp buds: Juicing seaweeds results in a highly concentrated concoction of vitamins and minerals, that can also assist in weight loss.

I am so in love with green veggie juicing! I’ve been drinking it every day for the past 15 days and have noticed a visible improvement in my skin, mood, and energy levels.

Crisp, refreshing and oh-so-good-for-you, this super-green juicing might just be the best thing you can put in your body. Replace your coffee each morning with a green drink! Trust me, you wont regret!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 14


A proper and well balanced diet is an important part of staying healthy. Raw vegetable juices, fruits and fruit juices are extremely beneficial to health and should form a large part of a diet. I find adding strong raw flavors like onion to veggie juices takes a bit of getting used to. So it’s best to start off with just a little. You might think this type of juice would make your breath smell, but the savory-sweet juice has many medicinal effects.

Onion juice can help remove toxins from the body and stimulate blood circulation which is essential for strong and healthy hair roots. Onion juice is a natural Ayurvedic healer. Health benefits of onion include anti-inflammatory properties that helps to soothe aches and pains in the body. Onions are also anti-fungal and anti-bacterial; thus they can heal infections.

I intend to introduce garlic into my veggie juicing routine soon. Not only am I losing weight, I am also gaining nourishment and warding off all illnesses by making my diet complete. My friends think if I am starving myself I would eventually become weak or faint. But the truth of the matter is that I am consuming more veggies than I usually do. Maybe in liquid form, but  especially green veggies are more nutritional after juicing. Cooking veggies loses most of it's nutritional value. So I am basically not starving myself but providing my body more nutrition, minus the fat and carbohydrates! 

I have not felt weak in anyway so far. On the contrary, I only see a glow in my skin, loss of weight and more energy!

Friday, February 7, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 13

I hardly have the time to update nowadays. So sometimes have to make do with a picture :)

Anyway, Its my 12th day now and I have learnt a few things! Practice makes a man perfect, they say. I know for sure that it's true. I have been juicing for the past 12 days and now I have a perfect juicing recipe to make this fasting effective!

The secret? Ingredients! I used to combine 4-5 veggies and blend my juice. Now I have found a way to make juicing healthier.

Recipe = 1 or 2 varieties of veggies + 2 tbsp onion juice + 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar+ lemon juice(for taste and vitamin C)

Onion juice is very healthy and keeps us away from diseases. ACV of course helps in weight loss and more!

So I get all the nutrients from 3 different ways in 1 glass of juice. How cool is that? Am glad I have been experimenting to make my life healthier and happier. 

And the experimenting continues...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 11

Need motivation? Look at the numbers below! Feeling hungry anytime? Just drink up the juice and feel healthy and stay slim!

Calories for every 100gm !

Spinach- 23 calories
Celery – 16 calories
Parsley - 36 calories
Cabbage – 25 calories
Alfalfa sprouts – 23 calories
Basil - 22 calories
Cucumber - 16 calories
Avocado - 160 calories
Lettuce – 15 calories
Broccoli - 34 calories
Asparagus - 20 calories
Mint leaves - 70 calories
Beetroot – 95 calories
Carrots – 41 calories
Bell Peppers - 20 calories
Apples - 52 calories
Pineapples – 50 calories
Lemons - 29 calories

Oranges - 47 calories

I always combine 4-5 veggies for juicing. That means my calorie intake cannot exceed more than max 300 a day! I must confess that everyone has noticed the slimmer me! Especially the radiant skin. There is no craving for food whatsoever but I do feel the need to taste something spicy. At times like that I suck on chilli flakes or add Himalayan sea salts to my juice which adds 80 more abundant trace elements to my diet.

More to come in the next few days!

Monday, February 3, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 9

An uneventful day. 

Today I tried the Cabbage juice for the first time. It does taste raw and weird, especially without sugar or salt. But I improvised it by squeezing one whole lemon. It tasted better and more importantly was filling and healthy!

I stocked up my kitchen with fresh batch of greens and veggies today. Come to think of it, my expenses are way low now compared to a non-fasting day. No lavish meals, no outing. A week of juicing cost me only 30$ a week! Cheap and healthy. 

I still have a long way to go. Another 31 days. On the bright side, I have not felt fatigue, weakness of any kind yet. I must give credit to a year and a half detox bathing routine. I have the same energy(or more) I would have on any normal day. I did get a zit on my face which is unusual. My skin though feels supple and nice. More importantly I feel good about myself. I feel good about my will power, my determination.

Long day tomorrow. More to come.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 7

It's my 7th day of Juice Fasting! I feel a sense of accomplishment and euphoria. For 2 reasons! Read on and you'll know why!

Reason 1: I hate to LOSE things. But am glad I lost something today. I LOST 2 kgs(4.40 pounds) !! I know, I know. I said I won't be checking my weight until the last day. I just couldn't help myself. It came as a surprise when the weighing scale showed the weight loss. Kinda unusual for me, as I lose weight slowly. Especially because I am not getting enough exercise now during fasting.

Reason 2: Today, I consumed at least 4 litres of juice since I was home. A mix of all kinds of veggies. I also incorporated Apple Cider Vinegar in my juicing routine! Am glad I did. I have tried taking ACV many times before but I just hate the taste of it with plain water. I regularly use the miracle water in my detox baths and hair though. Today I added 2 tbsp of ACV to my juice jars and sipped it all day long. ACV has way too many benefits including detox, weight loss and health benefits. The idea came out of nowhere. The best part is the taste and smell of ACV was disguised by the mixed juices and it was so much easier to drink! There was not even a hint of smell and taste and I loved it! What better way to make my juicing healthier? Remember though, ACV has to be the organic unfiltered raw(mother of vinegar) with all the living enzymes for more benefits!

Overall it was a perfect day at home with my juicer, my new found love.

Friday, January 31, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 6

So far so good!

I have been juicing every green veggie, fruit or sprouts I can get hold of. I prefer veggies because fruits have more sugar content, especially pineapples, apples etc.

Green Juice Veggies: ( Mix and match any of the below)
Wheat grass
Alfalfa sprouts
Mint Leaves
Sunflower sprouts

Other Veggies/Fruits( Mix and match any of the below)
Bell peppers

I feel wonderful! Even a normal meal might not provide me the kind of nourishment I am now taking through raw juicing. Veggies lose some vitamins while cooking. Eating them raw is the best way to retain those nutrients. 

More updates soon!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 4

I feel great today! I guess the body has gotten used to the starvation  Body is in control but mind does wander at the thought of food.

I quit green tea from toda. Green Tea contains Caffeine too. And as a part of the diet I need to eliminate stimulants like caffeine completely from my diet. It’s going to be a tough one. L So it was a challenge to find a replacement for my fluid intake. But as usual, I found a way!

Close to my work place I found a juice shop selling all kinds of juice! Moreover, you can mix and match with a variety of fruits and veggies! I chose to drink Avocado juice (without sugar and ice) and Soursop juice. Both these juices are healthy and just a great way to provide nutrition to my now starving body. 

On a normal day my calorie intake exceeds 1800 cal. (which is way too high) Now with the juicing, it might be around max 300cal per day. So that leaves my body to use up all the stored fat to function. I definitely feel lighter and clothes fit looser. I lose weight very slowly. So I don't expect a huge difference in weight loss. And to stay motivated, I intend to stay away from the weighing scale until the last day, the most awaited 40th day!

I also bought my fresh supplies of juicing ingredients! Beetroot, Zucchini, Lime, Aloevera, Carrots, Basil. I always mix and match and don't follow any recipe. I go by the gut. I buy all the green veggies, fruits which are rich in iron content, vitamins and nutrients that my body would require during starvation.

When the body is deprived of food, it responds by making radical changes. It purifies the body of toxins, rejuvenates the tissues, cleanses the aura. To me fasting is a process of self-discovery and a doorway to self-transformation.

It sharply outlines the limitations of our own self-control, and demonstrates to us the degree to which we are slaves to our own appetites and unconscious. I have entered a profoundly altered state of consciousness.

Fasting deepened my appreciation of food as a privilege, a pleasure, and a gift. When I crave for food, I think of the  homeless, the beggars and the little hungry children in under-developed countries. I feel their pain and hunger. I can relate to them. I feel my mouth watering when I am walking on the streets and look inside those high end restaurants serving delicious, exquisite food. I now know what those hungry homeless people feel. I appreciate food. I feel lucky and fortunate. 

One things for sure, fasting definitely alters the spirits.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 3

Our bodies were designed to go sustained periods without food. And scientifically speaking, 40 days is what a body can endure without food. And I am on that quest to just live on Juices for the next 37 days. 

I am on my third day of Juice Fasting. I have had a few cups of green tea and Barley water at work. After work I intend to juice my green veggies and sprouts to retain my nutrients and energy. Today’s plan is also to have lemon juice with a pinch of salt to eliminate whatever remaining waste material from the body. Sometime during the weekend I plan to do the enema to make sure all the waste is eliminated which otherwise might get soaked in by the intestines and hence making sure the toxins don’t remain in the body.

There are pros and cons during Juice Fasting, of course. You need to invest in a good juicer, abundant supply of green veggies, fruits etc. This also means investing in lot of time and patience to continue juicing and fasting. After all nothing comes easy! The way to motivate yourself is by picturing yourself in that little black outfit hidden in your closet that does not fit you anymore! All the other benefits will come attached to it!

Physical Changes:
  • The digestive system during fasting shuts down. Every piece of machinery needs a vacation and rest after constantly being used. The digestive system needs it too, to function better.
  • I have developed an acute sense of smell. I can smell not just food but anything that lingers around me!
  • During the day I did endure a slight head ache, a clear symptom of the detox working.
  • People usually develop pimples, break outs on their face as a result of body purging. I haven’t experienced it yet. ( Nor did I the last time I fasted)
  • I feel a glow in my face. ( could be the placebo effect, but I prefer to give credit to the juice fasting)
  • No weight loss on scale, yet clothes feel looser than before. ( the placebo effect again?)
Mental Status:
  • The body got used to starvation today. The mind, however, was more attached to the thought of food than the body was. 
  • Fasting helped me keep a balanced mind today. The mind was more relaxed.
  • I felt I was calmer, could avoid distractions and could refrain from the urge to binge.
  • I even slept early last night after the Ginger Detox bath. (Not because I was tired or lacked energy, but because I felt at peace.)
  • As the body burns through the toxins and contaminants, I begin to feel like a new person.
  • Increased will power.
Spiritual Changes:
Jesus reportedly fasted for 40 days. Fasting is a way to achieve spiritual experience in addition to being healthy. I haven’t been meditating or even practicing Yoga due to the tight schedules. But I do see a few changes occurring. Hunger can be slightly bothersome during the first day or two of a fast.  Then changes in the body and emotional or spiritual state start to become more obvious

Juice Fasting – My pursuit to Happiness!

Monday, January 27, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 2

So, it’s just my second day!

And, how do I feel? Energetic! I had several glasses of Green Tea and Barley water. Since am at my desk working, there’s now way I can blend my glass of fresh juice. I prefer home-made juices as I know there is no added sugar for sure. Why diet, if am loading up my body with sugar anyway? I shall take my dose of green juice twice in the evening before I hit the sack. The body needs to be replenished with nutrition, proteins and vitamins. And I plan to soak myself in the heavenly ginger detox bath to help me sleep better.

Surprisingly, I didn’t feel the hunger pangs today. Normally 1-4 days are the hardest, as the body takes a while getting used to. But I have always noticed that I am more efficient while am starving. I love food, no doubt. But food does make me sluggish and inactive. Today, at work I was more focused, patient and felt motivated all along. 

But, I did day dream about food a couple of times. The aroma of food around me at noon played with my senses, making my mouth water and trying to shake my will power.But I sure didn't budge. :)

 As for the detox, I haven’t had any symptoms yet. Usually when the body starts detoxing one feels nausea, aches etc, a clear sign that body is working its way to detox.

There’s no doubt that juice fasting works amazingly, whether to lose weight or boost energy. Juice fasting isn’t hard – one just needs to get started! I had to make sure to get rid of all temptations in the house beforehand, such as cakes, biscuits and potato chips etc.

Here is what I look forward to in the next 40days - A HUGE boost in energy. DRAMATIC weight loss. CLEARER skin. HEALTHIER body.

Stay tuned for DAY 3!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 1

Willpower of Steel… that’s what you’ll need.

Juice Fasting really tests one’s determination and will power to go on. I have never been happy with my weight. Don’t ask me why. I am not obese but I am not slim either. Lately with no time to exercise and the work stress, even the detox baths 6 times a week didn’t cheer me up anymore. Lately I feel sluggish. Laziness creeps in early morning hours. Well, I must blame the negative energy around me. To stay motivated you need to be around people with the right/positive attitude. But sometimes, that's not in your control ( sigh)

Juice fasting is not new to me. I have done this before for 10 days each for 2 consequetive months. And I must say, I felt more energetic, cheerful on those days when I was starving. And I lost 3 kgs every time. So 6 kgs in 2 months for fasting 20 days in total. Mostly water weight.

Many people start juicing to lose weight. But for me it’s not just about the weight. It’s cleansing inside out. Not just the body but also for the soul. I am in dire need of spiritual cleansing after being through situations that were of negative impact. Also, to cleanse and flush out all the toxins from my system. Some “toxins” are just bad experiences/people that I need to wash away from my soul. To feel clean and brand new again! There are so many benefits besides weight loss that happen on a juice fast. Spiritual cleansing is one of them.

So, I prepared myself for the juice fasting a couple of days in advance by cutting down the food intake and starting out on juices. Today, I went out and bought an inordinate amount of fruits and vegetables, and started juicing.

I bought veggies and fruits like Thai Asparagus, Spinach, Lettuce, Water cress, Alfalfa sprouts, Sunflower sprouts, Mint leaves, wheat grass, Apples, Grapes, Onions(Yes, onions!). I didn’t want it to be regular fruits and veggies. I wanted to try new things and so I did.  I blended a handful of all the above ingredients to make my healthy detox juice. And of course it wasn’t tasty. It’s not meant to be! But I loved it anyway. Had 6 glassful and a lot of green tea to keep me away from hunger.

Today is my first day of fasting. And how do I feel??? I confess, the first few days are the hardest. I’ve heard of people having bad migraines and nausea, but I just miss food and had to take a nap in the afternoon to keep up my energy level. Lucky me, I started this on a Sunday. The funny part is that I have a newfound power now. I can smell food from miles away. Today I was plagued by cravings for Japanese Tepanyaki( YUM!)

Yet, I control my thoughts and visualize my goal. It’s just the beginning after all. I just can’t give up on the first day! And to stay motivated, focused and to keep track of my progress I shall document each day of fasting. It’s a great way to measure the symptoms, progress and changes that take place by the day.

One thing’s for sure. It’s gonna be a wild ride!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Goodbye 2013!! As I start to look ahead to the New Year, how will it shape up? What is in store for me and people that surround me and that I love? Well, time will tell. But I know for sure that 2014 holds the key to all the answers I have been seeking in the past year!

Over the years I have changed, to be a better person. This year I saw myself incline towards spirituality and nature. And since then it's been a great learning experience which will continue for years to come. To me as I have grown older(and wiser?) the best way to celebrate and welcome the new year is to reminisce the year gone by and shed the old skin to transform into a better person! And that’s exactly what I did! I have been planning my new year ritual for the past week and wanted to start fresh. A clean slate per say! .

31st December 2013 can be marked as a wonderful day in my calendar. I heard the most beautiful things from my friends and colleagues to move forward in life. It was touching and motivating. So I came back home after grocery shopping to make my hand made Jilebis. The evening was spent in the kitchen making Jilebis to offer to Gods at the stroke of midnight. The kitchen smelled wonderful with the sweet aroma spreading the sweetness and good intentions in every nook and corner of the house. 

And then I ventured into cleaning the house. Every inch of it. Home should be a sanctuary where one can feel nurtured, energized and fulfilled. Home is an extension of one’s body and spirit. You cannot see energy with the naked eye but you can certainly feel it. And that is why, cleaning the house is not just for health and hygiene reasons for me. Especially if you are living with people with a negative mindset or who are poor in hygiene. If you are sensitive, you could be tuning into their negative energy while they suck out your positive energy for themselves.

Cleansing Bath Ritual:
Once the house was spic ‘n span, I was ready for my midnight “Cleansing bath” at 11:45 pm! So that when the new year begins, I emerge out clean, washing away all the negativities and dirt from my mind and body. It may sound crazy to you but it works! It certainly to me is magical and spiritual. 

I boiled the below ingredients in water before pouring them into the bath tub with Sea salts:
Cloves (3)– used for protection, to attract prosperity, drive away negativity and hostility.
Anise(3) - used for good luck and purification
Cardamom (2) – for love and respect
Cinnamon - For attracting prosperity
Chamomile (handful) – for peace, love, tranquility and purification
Chrysanthemum (handful) - Truth, Honesty and Protection Against Spirits

As I filled the tub with this concoction mixing with Sea Salts, I thought about my intentions. To remove negativity from my life in every form and bring in luck, love and prosperity to surround me. I soaked in the warm bath after a shower. I stayed in the tub for 30 minutes while I listened to the “Gayatri Mantra”. 

The vibrations induced by the repeated rhythmic chanting of the mantra generates stimulation the extrasensory energy nuclei in the body. The Gayatri mantra is one of the oldest and most powerful of Sanskrit mantras. It is believed that by chanting the Gayatri mantra and firmly establishing it in the mind, if you carry on your life and do the work that is ordained for you, your life will be full of happiness.

While in bath, I meditated about all the negativities that I want to get rid of, and all the positive things that I want to attract. When the bath was done I unplugged the bath tub. As the water flowed down the drain, I felt the negativities being drained out too. And so I emerged out of the bath at 12:20 am, January1st 2014!

Prayers:After donning my new clothes, I lit the lamp to the Gods and prayed. I offered Gods the Jilebis asking for sweetness in life. After the prayers was yet another ritual!

Letting go of negativities and welcoming positivities - Ritual:

When we let go of all of the negativity, we feel lighter and brighter holding a new clarity, making much better choices and drawing in more aligned experiences. Here is how I did my ritual to let go.

It might sound crazy, but I actually wrote down 2 lists. One list was all the things I want to get rid of in 2014. Another list was what I want from life in 2014. I burnt the lists after reading them out!

White Sage Leaves Smudging:

White sage is herbs/ leaves used by native Americans / Europe for space cleansing. It's also known as smudging, the process of cleansing the place, getting rid of negative energies.

I did this to purify the house and re energize myself. I did it because if you believe something can make you feel happier then you must try it. I wasn’t trying to get rid of only bad things also to make my home peaceful.

I lit the white sage leaves in an earthen pot allowed it to smoulder. The smoke filled up the room and I enveloped myself in the fumes. I fumed the whole house, every nook and corner to cleanse and bless the place. I could instantly feel the atmosphere lighten. No kidding!

I must confess, I had a hard time finding White Sage Sticks in Singapore. In my quest to find White sage sticks, I recently met a wonderful person, Jen. You can contact Jen, if you are interested in buying White Sage sticks here.

Since White Sage Sticks are always in demand they were out of stock. So I had to make do with White Sage leaves instead. But they worked perfectly fine! I intend to use this every week to ward off all negative energies. 

Anyway the rituals ended around 1 a.m and it was time to hit the sack. I wished all my friends and family to wake up at 6:30am. It was time to thank the Gods. A friend and I visited 3 temples and prayed for health, wealth and happiness. 

It's 1st of January 2014! I have been waiting for this day for months now. Waiting for a new start. Wishing all of you a happy new year 2014! And if you have any new year rituals please do share them with me!