Monday, January 27, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 2

So, it’s just my second day!

And, how do I feel? Energetic! I had several glasses of Green Tea and Barley water. Since am at my desk working, there’s now way I can blend my glass of fresh juice. I prefer home-made juices as I know there is no added sugar for sure. Why diet, if am loading up my body with sugar anyway? I shall take my dose of green juice twice in the evening before I hit the sack. The body needs to be replenished with nutrition, proteins and vitamins. And I plan to soak myself in the heavenly ginger detox bath to help me sleep better.

Surprisingly, I didn’t feel the hunger pangs today. Normally 1-4 days are the hardest, as the body takes a while getting used to. But I have always noticed that I am more efficient while am starving. I love food, no doubt. But food does make me sluggish and inactive. Today, at work I was more focused, patient and felt motivated all along. 

But, I did day dream about food a couple of times. The aroma of food around me at noon played with my senses, making my mouth water and trying to shake my will power.But I sure didn't budge. :)

 As for the detox, I haven’t had any symptoms yet. Usually when the body starts detoxing one feels nausea, aches etc, a clear sign that body is working its way to detox.

There’s no doubt that juice fasting works amazingly, whether to lose weight or boost energy. Juice fasting isn’t hard – one just needs to get started! I had to make sure to get rid of all temptations in the house beforehand, such as cakes, biscuits and potato chips etc.

Here is what I look forward to in the next 40days - A HUGE boost in energy. DRAMATIC weight loss. CLEARER skin. HEALTHIER body.

Stay tuned for DAY 3!

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