Sunday, March 31, 2013

Detox baths (Home Spa)– My healing secrets revealed! – PART 7

OATMEAL BATH - Moisturizing, natural cleanser
Soak Time : 20-30 MIN (once a week)
Cost : $3 for 800gm pack  (lasts for 8 baths)
My Rating : ★★★✩✩

Who doesn’t love a deep soaking bathtub? A rub-a-dub, just relaxin' in the tub! Its my favorite way to relax and unwind! I love to spoil myself and lounge in the tub with a good book, soaking away the troubles of the day. There's nothing like it!

Amazingly, oatmeal is not only makes a hearty breakfast but is also good for skin health.

How to take an Oatmeal Bath

I've had good results from putting the oatmeal in a pouch (about 100gms) and tying it up with string. I just run the bath as I usually would, the temperature I like, for maximum oaty goodness! This prevents them going down the drain as they're completely contained, and provides a satisfyingly slimy bag of oats. The water gradually turns milky. Immerse in this bath for 20 minutes.

The white milky stuff makes a lovely moisturizing bath milk.  This teamed up with some aromatherapy oils(5 drops of eucalyptus, lavender or any oil of your choice ) and you have a luxurious treatment that costs so little!

Benefits of Oatmeal Bath

- By using oatmeal bath regularly, your skin will become more elastic and softer.
- Oatmeal is perfect for dry skin, it is also great for acne and skin blemishes. Oatmeal bath also helps reduce scarring
- The oatmeal is very useful for skin as it helps you to lessen the pores and also unclogging pores.
- Oatmeal functions as an effective natural cleanser - they absorb dirt, oil and odor.

Detox soaks can turn your bathtub into a spa— a place to relieve tension, soothing the senses and a stimulating thirty minutes of happy solitude! So enjoy!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Detox baths (Home Spa)– My healing secrets revealed! – PART 6

TEA BATH - ideal for detoxifying, replenishing, and restoring balance to your skin.
Soak Time: 20 - 40 min ( once a week )
Cost : $3 for a box of 25 tea bags (lasts for 6 baths)
My Rating : ★★★✩✩

(Green Tea or even ordinary tea bags, chamomile tea bags, peppermint tea bags also will do! Try different flavors as you like!)

I'm on a major green tea kick right now. I brew it fresh and have several varieties -- yes, Japanese sencha, also several chinese varieties and one indian variety. And now am hooked to Tea baths as well! Guess I'm a green tea snob!

Tea really help sooth your body, mind, and spirit, while drawing out harmful toxins from the body and healing any open wounds or sores. Tea baths are very nourishing to the body as well because they are filled with helpful powerful antioxidants and vitamins that the body needs to stop signs of aging.

How to take a Tea Bath

All you need to do is grab 4-6 tea bags and place them in a tub of hot, hot water for ten minutes. The bath water will turn a golden brown or dark brown color and these will let you know the antioxidants and vitamins have been released into your bath. Wait to get into the bath until it is just right and hot enough for you. Once you are in the bath soak in it for as long as possible and grab magazines to help keep you busy while you relax. Another thing you could do before you get into the bath is light a few candles to help set a peaceful atmosphere to really get the full benefits of a relaxing Tea bath. I usually spend thirty to forty minutes in a warm green tea bath because I enjoy relaxing and the health benefits the Tea bath provides to me.

Another wonderful things a Tea bath can do is draw out harmful toxins and chemicals from your body. Taking a Tea bath can even help lift up your spirits and relax your mind because its full of happy B vitamins that really help improve your mood making you more relaxed and happier. Tea baths even help cleanse, tone, and fight the signs of aging and fatigue on your body, which is what some of us are always trying to do and are always spending our money on. I mean who thought cleansing, toning, fighting the signs of aging and fatigue could be so inexpensive and easy by simply taking Tea baths a few times a month!

Benefits of Tea bath

- Tea baths really assist to soothe the body, mind, and spirit, while leeching out harmful toxins from the body.
·      -   Tea baths are extremely nourishing to the body, because they are filled with powerful antioxidants and vitamins that your body needs to slow down or stop signs of aging

Green Tea - Green Tea is known for its high antioxidant content relaxes and clears mind other than softening ad smoothening the skin.

Peppermint Tea - Peppermint tea baths also help detox the  body of harmful chemicals that could cause potential health problems for you later on. Peppermint tea baths are also great to take if you have a cold because the scent of the peppermint really helps open up your sinuses and will relieve some congestion in your chest as well. You can even take a peppermint tea bath if you are feeling a little sad or depressed because the peppermint will help rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit leaving you happy, relaxed, and smiling afterwards.

Chamomile Tea – Chamomile Tea bath Chamomile also calms the mind and helps people relax and deal better with their stresses. Chamomile promotes a feeling of comfort, and promotes peaceful sleep.

You can try many other flavors available in your nearest grocery stores! Time to get adventurous!

Instead of visiting a high priced spa to enjoy a tea bath I’d rather pamper myself with my own tea bath any time that I wish by simply drawing a hot Tea bath. You must try this too and steep yourself in the healing powers of tea!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Detox baths (Home Spa)– My healing secrets revealed! – PART 5

COFFEE BATH Rejuvenating, Beautifying, Anti-cellulite
Soak Time: 15min ( once in two weeks)
Cost: $3 for a 100 gm bottle lasts for 2 baths
My Rating: ★★★★✩

Baths! They evoke different emotions in different people. For some, a bath is an exercise in self-indulgence (ME!)– candles, scents and oils. To most, it is just a hygienic necessity. And finally, there are those for whom it is a sacred ritual.(ME AGAIN!) I believe there is a really good use for coffee, and no, you don’t drink it!  How about using coffee for detoxification?

                                                                How it works?

Caffeine is absorbed by the skin and into the first couple layers of fat .The caffeine will then raise the metabolism of these cells causing them to use more energy. It really tightens the skin more than melts away the flab, Coffee can uplift your spirits in a moment to discharge deep-rooted tension hence promoting energy flow and restoring balance in addition to overall well being. Coffee fights fatigue and helps beautify the skin.

How to take a Coffee bath?

After having your fill of your morning coffee, used coffee grounds can be reused! Just  pour the coffee powder or the residue of coffee powder into the hot water tub and mix well. The antioxidants improve the skin tone and ward off any skin diseases or irritants.

( I usually mix coffee with water or rose water then scrub it all over my skin, leave it for 10 minutes and then soak in hot water.. rubbing it against the skin helps in reduction of cellulite)

Don’t soak for longer than 15 minutes in coffee bath, you might get a fake tan!

Benefits of Coffee bath

Coffee can keep your skin healthy in a lot of different ways. Coffee has anti-oxidant ingredients that can help in:

·      Your skin be free of different radicals that can cause acne, eczema and other skin diseases
·      Improve the circulation
·      Break up fat which cause those ugly cellulites
·      Clear up your skin of acne and other blemishes
·      Act as sunblock and prevent sunburn and wrinkle

So What are you waiting for?? Soak in and take in the rich aroma which will life up your spirits! 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Detox baths (Home Spa)– My healing secrets revealed! – PART 4

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR BATHRestores the PH balance in the body, helpful for acne, softens skin
Soak Time: 20- 40min (once a week)
Cost: $5 for 300ml bottle lasts for 3 baths
My Rating :  ★★★★★
Apple Cider Vinegar
I love apple cider vinegar for my skin and hair! OMG I wish I had discovered this sooner!

Apple cider vinegar is one of the healthiest ingredients you can use in any sort of salads, or for that matter, in any dish. One of the most well known apple cider vinegar benefits are that of it being naturally detoxifying. Apple cider vinegar is rich in natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Supplying these nutrients to the body is crucial during a time of detoxification, when all the systems in the body go into overdrive to purge out toxic material. One of the main apple cider vinegar benefits is the fact that it is quite rich in potassium.

Organic apple cider vinegar 
Many beauty tips sites will recommend this ingredient because of its qualities. Natural healing Apple cider vinegar kills germs and nourishes the body at the same time

Organic apple cider vinegar with MOTHER…. Have you ever heard anyone say that?. Mother simply refers to the living enzymes that settle in the bottom of the glass bottle. You see, organic apple cider vinegar with Mother has not been processed like distilled vinegar. It’s raw, loaded with nutrition, and you’re health is worth it!

How to take a Apple Vinegar Bath?

Draw a bath with water as hot as you can stand it. As the water is filling the tub, add a glass of the vinegar. The flowing water will help mix it, but make sure to mix it well. You can also add half a cup of Baking Soda or 5 drops of  lavender essential oil to the bath. I usually use only one ingredient in every bath.

Soak in the bath for about 40 minutes and enjoy!

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

                Relief  for rashes, clears skin, gives a glowing complexion
                Relief for aching joins
                Promotes alkaline acid PH balance
               Acts as a natural rinse for beautiful, shiny hair.
               Apple cider vinegar can help regulate the pH of your skin
•        Clears up acne
•        Curbs appetite
•        Gives skin a healthy glow
 •       Increases energy and gives a sense of well-being
•        Soothes sunburn
•        Enhances immune system
•        Speeds up metabolism

    The list goes on….

I will never be without this stuff. It's dirt cheap is an added plus. Its miracle water! Definitely worth trying!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Detox baths (Home Spa)– My healing secrets revealed! – PART 3

SEAWEED BATH – Detoxifying, Anti-cellulite and Anti-ageing
Soak Time: 20- 40min (once a week)
Cost: $1.50 for 100gm pack
My Rating :  ★★★★★

Seaweed bath 

Seaweed bath an excellent way to take in iodine therapy. A hot seaweed bath is like a wet steam sauna only better! The rejuvenating effects of eliminating toxins from the body can refresh us physically and mentally. Seaweed treatments are associated with body toning, slimming and the release of toxins.

I have been using seaweeds since last year when I first discovered that they were edible! I eat them, I bathe in them, I make facial masks with them, I love them! I must have been a mermaid in my last life!!

Seaweed helps in toning up body muscle and speeding up the metabolism. They improve circulation and eject the toxins out of the body. Seaweed therapy also aids in providing relief from skin conditions such as dry skin, itchiness, flaky skin etc.

How it works?

Dried Seaweed
As you soak, the gel from the seaweed will transfer onto your skin. This coating increases perspiration to release toxins from your system and replaces them with minerals. It also helps to rejuvenate your skin, de-stress, stimulate and help weight loss, reduce the appearance of cellulite and relax the whole body and mind.

How to take a seaweed bath

You can buy seaweed at any supermarket. Its cheap and readily available. Run very hot water over the  half a packet(50gm) seaweed in the tub. When the dried seaweed starts absorbing water it fils the tub it to the point that you will be covered with the slimy stuff when you recline. 

The leaves will turn green and the water will turn a rich brown as the plants release their minerals.. I usually like the water to be hot enough to soak in it.  This coating increases perspiration to release toxins from your system and replaces them with minerals. ( You can also throw in the seaweed into a big muslin cloth before putting it in the tub to avoid clogging of the bath tub drain)

Rubbing your skin with the seaweed during the bath stimulates circulation, smoothens the body, and removes wastes coming out on the skin surface. A seaweed bath can help maintain hormone balance for a more youthful body. Also, your skin tone, skin color are almost immediately noticeable from the iodine and potassium absorption.

The bath smells fishy but a shower after the soak will take care of the stench.

Benefits of Seaweed bath:

                Seaweed baths re-hydrate your skin, restore skin tone, skin elasticity and vitality
                Seaweed baths detoxify, cleanse and naturally smooth and moisturize
                Seaweed boosts circulation
                Seaweed releases excess body fluids, reduces water retention
                Seaweed baths relieve stress and anxiety
                Seaweed baths will reduce cellulite
                Seaweed is naturally anti-ageing
                Seaweed is rich in minerals and contains Iodine or Iodine-Protein which helps boost and regulate the body’s metabolism – this helps with weight control, fatigue

So if you find yourself returning from a ramble or just simply want to relax, rejuvenate and pamper yourself then a Seaweed Bath could be just what you need!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Detox baths (Home Spa)– My healing secrets revealed! – PART 2

GINGER BATH – My personal favourite way to detox!
Soak Time: 20-40 min ( Twice a week)
Cost: $2
 My Rating :  ★★★★★

Detox baths are an inexpensive and effective method of cleansing and helping the body rid itself of toxins. If you want a real treat, try the ginger bath. It is just fantastic!
I like to take one before going to bed twice a week. I sleep so incredibly well. The ginger bath cleanses the body (internally as well as externally) and is so relaxing. I wake up feeling like a new person every single time. 

How to take the Ginger bath?

This rhizome not only finds its
uses in culinary purposes but also
in your bathroom!

You can use either fresh grated ginger or ginger powder. Add ½ a cup of freshly grated ginger in hot or warm water and soak for 15-30 minutes. I usually pour the ginger water into a small pouch so that the grated ginger is easy to get rid of after bath and doesn’t clog my bathtub drain. 

Within 5 minutes of soaking in the bathtub, it feels like body has turned into a tap! Sweat pours down the face.It's uneasy in the beginning but if you sit with a book or with music playing then you will calm down, relax and enjoy the soak. After 30 minutes, get out of the tub and dry yourself . Then wrap up in a large towel and crawl into your bed under the covers. You will then usually sweat for approximately an hour and feel really hot, but you will fall asleep and have a really solid night’s sleep while your body is ridding itself of impurities through the skin.I never combine any other ingredient with ginger bath as ginger alone works well to break that sweat.

grate ginger
I sleep like a baby everytime, and wake up feeling energetic and cleansed !

How it works:

The ginger infusion works wonderfully in treating common cold and flu symptoms. This bath opens pores and eliminates toxins and also helps to eliminate pain.

This method really helps literally sweat toxins out of your body. Perspiration will even pour out of your scalp. I usually oil my hair and do this detox. My hair soaks in oil and after shower looks shinier, fuller with a bounce! The ginger bath opens pores and eliminates toxins and also helps to eliminate pain. It is common to possibly experience a headache and feel almost a slight “hang-over” sensation. If you are feeling really lousy, it is actually a great sign!

For those of us who dont have access to a sauna or steam bath, the ginger bath is a simple and sure way to sweat all those nasty toxins out of your body!

I use small pouches to fill in the
grated ginger so that the it doesn't
clog the drain in the bath tub

Benefits of a Ginger Bath
Detoxifying. A ginger bath is a great way to help your body to eliminate harmful toxins in your body, as ginger helps to promote sweating.  Thus when sweat is expelled from the body, toxins are expelled along with it.
Control Body Odor. Body odor is caused when toxins in the body are eliminated through sweating. Thus when you take a hot ginger bath, it helps you to sweat out more toxins so that afterwards you can smell fresher.
Reduce Cold Symptoms. A hot ginger bath can reduce the symptoms of a cold, as it can warm the body and help to remove toxins. In addition, the warm vapor going up from the bath water will help to relieve congestion
It is very important to drink lots of water during and for two hours after your bath to help replace lost water as your body will sweat out quite a lot of fluid from the heat and the ginger effect.  Be prepared to sweat and enjoy the relaxing sensation that will be sure to come following your weekly ginger bath!

And the best part of this detox bath is 50gm of ginger will cost you only less than $2!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Detox baths (Home Spa)– My healing secrets revealed! – PART 1

I was worn out. Physically and mentally... 

In the past year, I had a lot going on in my life, which resulted in an alarming hair loss and stress. I started bloating and drastically ageing. I had to do something before things got bad to worse...I took matter into my hands and started reading about how toxins can build up in your body over time and cause a myriad of uncomfortable symptoms. For some reason this struck a chord in me…and I decided to give a DETOXIFICATION BATH a try! 

All you need is a bath tub and a bunch of natural products to help you relax in a nice warm bath for 20 minutes and you emerge out of the tub like a diva! Sometimes I like to prolong the bath until the hot water is tepid. I like to read a good book or watch a movie on my laptop while in tub to shoo the boredom away. Relaxing and entertaining!

If you are feeling lethargic, a Detox Bath is a great way to help your body get rid of toxins and ease some of these symptoms. The detox bath is definitely part of my daily rituals. My complexion was clearing up. This can't be, too soon, psychological only, I thought again. But in a week somebody noticed it and said something like 'nice complexion'. Hmm, so my eyes are not fooling me after all. Still I'm not expecting miracles from this but I know I will do it for life. Months later now I feel a renewed vitality, energy and positive mood. I am sleeping much better and my complexion is glowing! Everybody should practice this. It's the simplest and most natural way to stay fit and healthy. Specially if your life is a roller coaster theres’ no better way than this to revive your spirits and feel good about yourself!

Why detox bath?

Toxins and chemicals are all around us, from our drinking water, processed food, to our health and beauty products, to the materials used to build and furnish our homes! They are unavoidable. There are of course certain things we can do to cut back on the amount of toxins. Eating organically and using natural cleaning, laundry, health and beauty products, are just a few!

Aside from the fact that I just love baths(am a bath person), detox baths are both beneficial physically and spiritually. Detox baths are supposed to help the body release toxins by sweating them out. (I have a water retention problem, hence the bloating.) Because you sweat, you will lose some water weight, but the main reason to use them is to get those nasty toxins out of your body. Also Detox Baths are wonderfully healing in several ways, and are very easy to do at home!

Most detox bath recipes I found in researching this topic contained different combinations of the same basic ingredients. There are a few baths I like to alternate when I am feeling tense, exhausted or run down. Here are a few detox baths I use on a regular basis. Click on below links for details!

•         FRENCH CELTIC SEA SALT BATH - Rejuvenating, Cleansing, Detoxing

          Daifonai Herbal bath

               OATMEAL BATH - Moisturizing, natural cleanser

 These detox baths make me sweat like a pig helping me draw out all toxins and maintain(lose) weight too!

 The best part? It’s so cheap, natural and readily available in the market and your spice rack at home!

I am of the ilk that slow and steady changes lead to the most lasting results.  Detoxifying baths every single day can be a small ritual that can add tons of vitality to your life! It has certainly made me a more positive, happier and energetic person ready to face the world head on!