Sunday, January 26, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting- Day 1

Willpower of Steel… that’s what you’ll need.

Juice Fasting really tests one’s determination and will power to go on. I have never been happy with my weight. Don’t ask me why. I am not obese but I am not slim either. Lately with no time to exercise and the work stress, even the detox baths 6 times a week didn’t cheer me up anymore. Lately I feel sluggish. Laziness creeps in early morning hours. Well, I must blame the negative energy around me. To stay motivated you need to be around people with the right/positive attitude. But sometimes, that's not in your control ( sigh)

Juice fasting is not new to me. I have done this before for 10 days each for 2 consequetive months. And I must say, I felt more energetic, cheerful on those days when I was starving. And I lost 3 kgs every time. So 6 kgs in 2 months for fasting 20 days in total. Mostly water weight.

Many people start juicing to lose weight. But for me it’s not just about the weight. It’s cleansing inside out. Not just the body but also for the soul. I am in dire need of spiritual cleansing after being through situations that were of negative impact. Also, to cleanse and flush out all the toxins from my system. Some “toxins” are just bad experiences/people that I need to wash away from my soul. To feel clean and brand new again! There are so many benefits besides weight loss that happen on a juice fast. Spiritual cleansing is one of them.

So, I prepared myself for the juice fasting a couple of days in advance by cutting down the food intake and starting out on juices. Today, I went out and bought an inordinate amount of fruits and vegetables, and started juicing.

I bought veggies and fruits like Thai Asparagus, Spinach, Lettuce, Water cress, Alfalfa sprouts, Sunflower sprouts, Mint leaves, wheat grass, Apples, Grapes, Onions(Yes, onions!). I didn’t want it to be regular fruits and veggies. I wanted to try new things and so I did.  I blended a handful of all the above ingredients to make my healthy detox juice. And of course it wasn’t tasty. It’s not meant to be! But I loved it anyway. Had 6 glassful and a lot of green tea to keep me away from hunger.

Today is my first day of fasting. And how do I feel??? I confess, the first few days are the hardest. I’ve heard of people having bad migraines and nausea, but I just miss food and had to take a nap in the afternoon to keep up my energy level. Lucky me, I started this on a Sunday. The funny part is that I have a newfound power now. I can smell food from miles away. Today I was plagued by cravings for Japanese Tepanyaki( YUM!)

Yet, I control my thoughts and visualize my goal. It’s just the beginning after all. I just can’t give up on the first day! And to stay motivated, focused and to keep track of my progress I shall document each day of fasting. It’s a great way to measure the symptoms, progress and changes that take place by the day.

One thing’s for sure. It’s gonna be a wild ride!

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