I am half way there!
Yesterday was the 20th day of my juice fasting.
I celebrated by buying myself a JUICER! I was using a blender for juicing all
these days. A blender is useful but I have to separate pulp from the juice that
gets a little tedious. A juicer separates pulp from the juice by default.

I juiced 2 beetroots first. Then I juiced an inch of ginger
and 2 Zucchinis with a cup of Kale and Mint leaves. I realized that juicing
green leaves doesnot extract much juice. Hence, I extract juice again by sieving
the pulp.
You can see the juice extracted out in the image. I
squeezed out more juice out of the pulp and filled half a bottle with the
juice. I am satisfied with the results! A great investment indeed! It cost me
only $69 and I know I won’t regret!
And so, I have decided that even when the fast ends I
shall use the juicer everyday and juicing will be a routine no matter what.
Your energy levels throughout the day are based largely on what food you eat.
ReplyDeleteYou adopted an healthy habit and grown stronger each day in mental, emotional, and physical.
You have set an example and you show those around you that you've invested in yourself time and time again to reach a level of excellence.