Saturday, February 8, 2014

40 Days Juice Fasting - Day 14


A proper and well balanced diet is an important part of staying healthy. Raw vegetable juices, fruits and fruit juices are extremely beneficial to health and should form a large part of a diet. I find adding strong raw flavors like onion to veggie juices takes a bit of getting used to. So it’s best to start off with just a little. You might think this type of juice would make your breath smell, but the savory-sweet juice has many medicinal effects.

Onion juice can help remove toxins from the body and stimulate blood circulation which is essential for strong and healthy hair roots. Onion juice is a natural Ayurvedic healer. Health benefits of onion include anti-inflammatory properties that helps to soothe aches and pains in the body. Onions are also anti-fungal and anti-bacterial; thus they can heal infections.

I intend to introduce garlic into my veggie juicing routine soon. Not only am I losing weight, I am also gaining nourishment and warding off all illnesses by making my diet complete. My friends think if I am starving myself I would eventually become weak or faint. But the truth of the matter is that I am consuming more veggies than I usually do. Maybe in liquid form, but  especially green veggies are more nutritional after juicing. Cooking veggies loses most of it's nutritional value. So I am basically not starving myself but providing my body more nutrition, minus the fat and carbohydrates! 

I have not felt weak in anyway so far. On the contrary, I only see a glow in my skin, loss of weight and more energy!

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be super fit and fine....One carrot juice with garlic and ginger is considered to be an excellent detoxification juice. People who consume garlic regularly have a thirty percent lower risk of getting colorectal cancer. The risks of breast cancer, throat cancer, prostate cancer, and stomach cancer also may be reduced by consuming garlic regularly. Some studies show that garlic promotes heart health by reducing the effects of atherosclerosis and by lowering blood pressure.
