Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Language of LOVE

My acqaintainces often ask me , Why I chose to learn French?  And my answer is always the same. I Love French. The language and the people.!As simple as that!

As a little girl I have always fancied the Eiffel Tower. I even remember telling mom that I would marry a man who will take me to Paris someday. (at the age of 8??)

 Before I kick the bucket I will visit my dream city. Sometimes I feel maybe thats why I am preparing myself(unknowingly), trying to master the language so that I am well equipped for my voyage to France.  As I write this I am watching the TV Monde French Channel which all the more motivated me to type a few words right from my heart,as usual very spontaneous without any edits. The language is so romantic! So soothing...After English it is the 2nd most understood language  .. Its like music to my soul.. I donot know WHEN I will be able to speak fluent French, but all I can say is , I am getting there..
mon professeur français
During my study I have made a list of few French words we use in everyday life. Now we can see how much the French language has influenced English!

café ------------------>a coffee shop (also used in French for "coffee")
bon appétit ----------->    literally "good appetite"; enjoy your meal
bon voyage ----------->   literally "good journey"; have a good trip!
déjà vu --------------->"already seen"  an impression or illusion of having seen or experienced something before
chauffeur ------------->driver
fiancé/e ---------------> a man/woman engaged to be married.
croissant -------------->a crescent-shaped bread
décor ----------------->the layout and furnishing of a room
eau de Cologne ------->a type of perfume, originating in Cologne, Germany. Its Italian creator used a French name to commercialize it.
eau de toilette --------->literally "grooming water."
entrepreneur ---------->a person who undertakes and operates a new enterprise
voilà! ----------------->literally "see there"; in French it can mean simply "there it is"
façade --------------- >the front view of a building
femme fatale ---------->"deadly woman"
Grand Prix ------------>a type of motor racing, literally "Great Prize
haute couture --------->"high sewing" : FASHION
sauté ----------------->quickly fry in a small amount of oil
touché----------------->acknowledgment of an effective counterpoint; literally "touched" or "hit!"
début ------------------>first public performance of an entertainment personality or group
encore ----------------->A request to repeat a performance
potpourri ------------->medley, mixtur
rendezvous ----------->"go to"; a meeting, appointment

Here's what I learnt in Class. Should have posted it earlier. Better late than never. Such cute drawingsof clothes by my professor!
Les Vetements, La Mode = Clothing,Fashion

I love the language more than I know..It feels , sounds so exotic. It makes me feel exotic...If you know any french words or phrases also used in English please let me know...


  1. You will go soon paris ...... your dream will come true this year... All the best for your french and no doubt you will learn the language fast since you are the best

  2. hw abt Hors d'œuvre meaning appetizers...or Tête à tête meaning In private, between two people or...excusez-moi....which is self explanatory...or my fav touché meaning touched...( hehehhee ...remember tom and jerry...touche pussy cat!!).....but i guess u must already be knowing these....:) ..i was just showing off..hehehehhe
