Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Khano Ka Khan?? Tees Maar Khan!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Rhapsody of Christmas....

I celebrated Christmas last night with my colleagues at an enchanting Spanish restaurant- Esmirada @ Chjimes.
What an exquisite dining experience! The ambience, the food -a gastronomous experience. We arrived at the venue after work.
Delectable dishes after dishes, and all of us chattering away , getting to know each other on another level.I am still a newbie, it was an ice-breaker for me. What touched me the most was that care was taken by my colleagues so that I was being served vegetarian food...I just love the place and the people..!
Anyway the dinner was a grand affair. The dinner menu was a feast to the eyes and the palate. After the delicious meal it was time to exchange gifts! How I love unwrapping gifts! I picked cute soft toys... On the way back home my colleagues even christened them... Chiku,Minku,Doggu... All Pics below in sequence of my wonderful, magical Christmas 2010.
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Monday, December 20, 2010
A time for Reminiscence
At work a friend of mine brought up the subject. She asked me whether I had any emergency situations onboard any flight in Air Deccan... And that took me back in time...Like in the movies , flashback as they call it.
The vigorous emergency procedures , the grooming, the tests, the first aid training(particularly the CPR !).More than glamour the job revolves around safety.More than make-up time goes to fill in safety check list forms, performing safety procedures pre and post flight ensuring passenger safety during flight. The job is more than just looking pretty and serving refreshments, its about being alert and keeping passengers safety first.Also sticking a plastic smile on your face even when the passengers are being obnoxious and impolite. I’ve found that working for an airline has been one of the hardest jobs I ever had, and yet the most enjoyable.So what emergencies I had on board you ask? Can remember 3 major ones that I would love to share..
Flight delay/Cancellation:
It was the month of December. According to my roster,I was to fly Bangalore-Delhi-Bangalore flight on an Airbus(A320).We took off from Bangalore early morn and reached Delhi ,an uneventful flight..December time in Delhi can be very cold and foggy. At times the visibility drops to 'zero'. In such conditions the pilots are not allowed to fly for safety reasons. Our flight back to Bangalore was delayed due to dense fog which was not very uncommon.Delays in Air Deccan were not uncommon hahahaha.So we gals disembarked from the flight for a lay-over.. Little did we know that this would be a once in a lifetime experience..The Flight got cancelled again eventually as the conditions did not improve. The next morning we girls got the news that the weather conditions are still not favourable. Hence the continued delay. The aircraft sat at the tarmac for 2 whole days until we got the the thumbs-up sign to fly back to Bangalore.We were instructed to follow the security guards to enter our air-crafts..Why? The passengers who were stranded for 2 whole days were fumingly furious!The media was there, so were the TV Cameras..Its a sight I will never forget.. We were a crew of 4 girls being surrounded by the security guards protecting us from the angry ,threatening mob in the crowded terminals.The provoked passengers recognised the Air Deccan Crew by our uniforms and tried to pounce on us!I clearly remember a few chanting; "Air Deccan hai hai"
We reached the aircraft but the worst was not yet over. We had a fly back 180 angry passengers back to Bangalore! A two and a half hour flight of angry looks and mockery!! Luckily all the training and fake smiles got us through the day. Yet an horrifyingly unforgettable experience, almost being attacked by marroned irated crowd.
Cockpit window Crack:
Another Bangalore-Delhi-Bangalore flight. A320 flight. (Why does it happen on Delhi flight? I wish I knew).After the flight announcements, headcount , safety demo with the passengers seated,their seat-belts fastened the plane was ready for a take off. We taxied alonng the runway. The 4 cabin crew seated in our respective stations.I was in the rear of the aircraft being the junior most among the crew. We were on our brace positions sitting on our jumpseats at the Galley area. And the purser informs us of the emergency situation on hand. The Pilot alerted the crew of a crack in the Cockpit window. The situation is serious than it sounds. As the plane flies to a higher altitude the pressure increases with altitude. The chances are the window might break complelety resulting in the rapid decompression. The oxygen inside the cabin depletes resulting in suffocation and ultimately death.The Captain took a wise decision of turning around immediately and landing after getting the permission from the ATC(Air Traffic control). That day the aircraft was abandoned in the ramp to be serviced and we had a lay-over.. again.The whole episode again horrifying as every minute was precious till we landed back to safety.Every minute praying for a safe landing at the same time recalling all the evacuation and safety & emergency procedures from our training days in case there should be a mishap. The pilot in commands presence of mind and all the prayers brought us back on sweet mother earth without a scratch whatsoever.. An amazing experience..
Fuel cap blew off during take off:
It was a 46 seater ATR 42-500, and guess what I was the only Cabin crew on board! Of course along with a Captain and a first officer. As far as my memory goes it was a Bangalore-Trivandrum-Bangalore flight. After all the pre-flight procedures , I took a head count finished all formalities and closed the aircraft door.The In-flight annoucements were done , also the safety demo showing the passengers how to fasten their seat-belts, how to use oxygen masks in case of decompression, how to use life-jacket in case of emergency. The passengers seated near the emergency exits were briefed how to operate the exits during an emergency. After the Captain-in-command announced the take-off I went back to my jump seat preparing the galley for the take off. The aircraft taxied along the runway and gained momentum for the take-off. While I was seated in my brace position I hear a commotion in the small bus-like aircraft. The seat-belts signs were on so it would'nt be right for me to unbrace and walk to the cabin. Yet curious about the passengers safety I walked my way to the emergency exit seats to find a panicky passenger sitting in the window seat yelling that he saw something fly off the wings. I was alarmed and immediatley informed the Pilot. All this while the aircraft was taking off! The pilot came to a safe alltitude and turned back to Bangalore to land safely.The 'thing' the passenger saw flying off the wing was the fuel cap which would have proved fatal if the Captain had not decided to touch ground instantly. Either we would run out of fuel soon while cruising OR the aircraft would explode mid-air . Phew...Was I scared?frankly I dont remember..
The uniform in Air Deccan was pathetic!Compared to that of Kingfisher Red now that it is..I wish I had lots of picturesto show you.. But I have only a few to share..Back to my old ways???..Another post about ME ;)

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In Uniform...The only picture.. |
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Countdown has begun....

Its time for a short review of 2010. Could things have been better? Did I try hard enough? New year resolutions are always
short lived. Today I will sit back and see how my resolutions worked out..
- Got a better job
- Need to be more assertive ( X )
- Eating right (???)
- Saving money (Yes, saving for a month and spending in one go!)
- Reduce Stress (Ya Right !! ) ( X )
- There'll never be the end of scrapbooking..
- Still trying to be MORE independent, almost there..
- Learn something new? EVERYDAY!
- Be less grumpy? I think this area need hell lot of improvement! ( X )
- Yeah! continued French..and will through 2011..
- Yes! Joined Guitar Classes too
- Anger Management?? NO luck there....not yet.. ( X )
- Pampered myself...
- Blogged more often
- Get Organised
- Watch more movies
- Get more positive
- Lose 5 Kgs
- Get more creative
- Love myself more
- Improve Cooking Skills
- Stop nagging/Cribbing(Yes I know I do that ...)
- Buy more Shoes
- Own as many Prada bags, glasses..
- Stop giving my opinion on everything.. unless asked for..
- Donot waste time....... Thats all I can think of... Maybe 2012 will have many more in the list. So What do you wanna do for 2011??
Sunday, November 28, 2010
FRIENDS - Guitar Cover
So no one told you life was gonna to be this way.
Your job's a joke, you're broke, you're love life's DOA.
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.
But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.
You're still in bed at ten, the work began at eight.
You've burned your breakfast, so far, things are going great.
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these,
But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees.
That, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.
I could have done better, but the lighting , my mood and the timing was just not so good.And so many chords too.. Yet, am happy that I did something productive this weekend too..
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Glimpses of My World.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunidhi Chauhan Live in Concert !
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A Glimpse of the stage before the concert |
She really worked up the stage and got the crowd going.What caught my eye in this concert was not all were Indians! Many seemed like Malaysians ,also there were a few Firangis... shaking their heads to the rhythm..I wont go much into the intricasies of the concert. All in all ,the best one till date.Even Sonu Nigam Concert doesnot come up to the mark!Next in my list?? An Opera and French Theatre!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Hypocrisy,Thy name is..
The feminist in me is struggling to come out...
I keep thinking about the women in the 70's and today... Lets face the truth..Women were mainly seen as a possessions.. still are...!Women have given up more and gotten less.They are considered as good wives only if they cook, clean and reproduce. like the women in olden days..
.Olden days women used to love cooking...why? The bitter truth...because the husbands went to work ,women were house-wives with only cooking skills!They knew nothing else about the outside world as they were confined to their homes,doing domestic chores and milking their cows.. Not much human contact as houses used to be far apart from each other, sometimes miles apart.. With only cooking and cleaning to do and raise kids,thats what comprised their whole world.Women those days loved to have company at home because it was rear...Women even looked forward to all festivals to cook delicacies because thats the time they would see some human activity buzzing around them...
TODAY-Women have easy access to education. They are more liberal in their approach.. As compared with past women in modern times have achieved a lot but in reality they have to still travel a long way. They are no more confined to their kitchens. Today women have reached the highest echelons in all walks of life..They not only take care of their families but also manage their career equally.The world is our Oyster!
Society is uttertly biased,they claim to be modern but the truth is they want their women to be well dressed, out-going, socialising and inside the walls of their homes transform into a Cook/maid! And the same men in public claim they want their wives to be independent..Also women still have to seek for their approval before doing the smallest silliest thing..When women get better than their men in any aspect men cant handle it..Women still make the effort of balancing their lives between the two-career and family... Well, I can go on and on about what I see around me.. But I have only one word to say .....Hypocrysy!Thy name is...
Monday, November 8, 2010
I donot want to forget the way you barked, the way your big brown eyes shined. I dont want to forget how you wagged your fluffy tail, or the way you dreamt of chasing Tommy in your sleep.I want to remember forever your moist nose and the way you smelled like a baby.I dont want to forget the babytalk we used to have, Chucha, chachi,bucha, shoo...
They say time heals. I fear time also makes you forget.. And I dont want to..
Sunday, November 7, 2010
An Obituary.
Snowy will be lovingly remembered by her family. Snowy will also be fondly remembered by all the neightbours. She was so full of life.She was loving , kind and loyal.Shes the one stood by us through all our up;s and downs.
Not a single day will go by that I wont remember you. I already feel a void in my life.I only wish I could say a proper goodbye..You will always live in my heart..Words fail me beyond this. I love you.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Dog's Tale
Since then Snowy has brought joy to our lives.Mom was sceptical in the beginning about raising a dog...Although now they are unseparable.. Snowy being a vegetarian is probably why she is 15 and still going strong....!She loves tomatoes,cucumber and bananas.. Thats all has kept her goin..Weird but true..She loves ice-cream, chocolates .During her puppy days just the scent of chocolate, tomato used to make her run around like crazy!
We've had our laughs at her cost...There were times she got electrocuted(twice actually) ,attacked by other dogs, gotten lost couple of times, fell down from the first storey(just a few days ago!) and not even a scratch!Snowy Rao the invincible??? And they say Cats have 9 lives...? Old wives tales indeed...!
Absolutely unselfish, giving unconditional love ,very child-like-thats my precious Snowy .This is a quote from the heart warming movie Marley and me, "A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his."
Sunday, October 31, 2010
You are stuck in my heart...
I was a teenager when I heard this song.. Not out of love for English songs, but out of my brothers tyranny at home. He was the only male at home and also the dominating one..As a kid I had to watch whatever bro watched on TV(Which was Star world/movies/HBO etc..).I jhad no access to remote control for TV.Also listen to whatever music he listened to, which happens to be English songs...again.
So in a way it turned out to be great! What you learn in your childhood seldom leaves you..My earliest memories of my Dad also are of him watchin Chuck Norris/James Bond movies.. That was when I was 5-6 years old.. !I haven't transformed over-night, its something which was instilled right from my childhood.I enjoy English movies rather than Hindi movies coz that makes a lot of sense to me.At the same time I love Hindi songs too..
Hope you like the effort I made on this song...Enjoy watchin!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Shanker Mahadevan -The musical maestro..
Accompanying Mr.Mahadevan were Mahalaxmi Iyer and Karthik, an upcoming artist...The crowd was overwhelming..Indians in immense number.. Felt like I was back in India for a moment..5,000 Indians in a huge hall!
An awesome experience being up-close to such a personality...I danced away to glory like theres no tomorrow, clapped till my hands were swollen (no exagerration there)....Had a great time! All said and done I would say it was a great show ....BUT.. not as good as Sonu Nigam concert (Jan 3,2010) ..
Now a little bit about the man himself.. Started the concert with a Ganpati mantra..!! An ordinary personality, no air of arrogance,so down to earth.. The only thing that makes him stand out is the silky ,sultry voice! The first few minutes of the concert I was in a trance..He was with hs family, his wife Sangeetha ,and his son Siddharth sitting with the audience on the third row..Later Sidharth sang 'The Earth Song', by Late Michael Jacskson(May his soul rest in peace). A tall young teenager with long curls and an accent suggesting he must be studying abroad.Very much unlike his dad who has typical Tamilian looks...
The band was amazing, particularly the guitarist.. I was overjoyed and fascinated at the same time.The crowd just went wild when Mr.Mahadevan started his jugalbandi with the band..
The concert ended with his trade-mark song 'Breathless' and Sabse aage honge hindustani. The after effect of this music concert ???Am still humming his songs...Just cant get it outta my head..
Sunday, October 24, 2010
My First Hindi Song! FINALLY!!
At work when I was interacting with a Chinese-Malaysian guy, he said that my name reminds him of the movie Shah rukh khan acted in and knows all the songs as he is a die-hard fan!!Personally I dont like Shah-rukh much...
If you search for videos on you tube, you will find chinese, Koreans, Swedish people singing Hindi songs, or at least trying to.... Its hilarious yet worth the effort they make..
Will try and learn more songs like churaliya hai, do labzo ki hai...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Blogging Maniac...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
A Short Guitar Rendition..
I personally don’t consider myself much of a “guitarist” or “musician”… it’s just that I love music so much ..The mechanics behind guitar techniques, or the music theory is beyond my comprehension … I just like to play.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Best of Both Worlds...??
Lately am being so paranoid... of losing my identity..
I am paranoid that am losing time... Theres so much to do and so little time!!24hours is just not enough a day!!
When I look at books I wanna read them all... When I read those books, I wanna practice my french... When am learning french, I wanna strum my guitar, when I strum my guitar, I wanna blog... when I blog ,I wanna watch latest movies... when I watch TV, I wanna go out and see the world,... The "wanna-list" is just never ending... Its left me biting my nails, am a nervous wreck..
Although I've been busy it seems like am doin nothin!!!Am paranoid that am gonna lose out on the best of things... I wanna do it all, know it all,see it all.....Sometimes the hunger can be so overbearing.Am distressed that my hard work will go unappreciated and overlooked..
I just dont wanna be a stereotype indian wife only doing the cooking and cleaning.... I wanna explore the world, learn more, see more... I wake up several times a night just to remember a novel to read or a song to learn, or just to remember that I haven't plucked my eye-brows in 2 months..!..
I feel so outdated , i dont know which is the latest movie in theatres now!!I cant even remember the last movie I watched....
Am I cracking up finally??
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Nelly Furtado,Say it right!
Nothing comes easy, broken and chipped nails is the price I pay to strum my guitar! This is the sacrifice am glad to make though...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
I named my guitar SOPRANO and you can see the sticker on my guitar which was custom-made in my last trip to India..I wanna add some bling to my guitar soon..
Friday, September 3, 2010
Happy birthday to my blog...
This post is about all the celebrities who go under the needle to keep up their good looks. And common man unknowingly worships and idolises them.We forget that they are just like any other ordinary person facing their own demons, with skeletons in their closets...
South Indian actresses are not behind ...Sridevi and shilpa shetty exclusively...
Men are not lagging behind too..Hair transplants(Salman khan) plastic surgery(Amir khan and all the other Khans) is a common procedure amongst these actors..
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Help! I need to name my Laptop....
ILAJNA--------------> Spelled backwards its my name :)
PANDORA----------> cause everytime I open it havoc is released on the world.
MINERVA----------->the Roman God of knowledge.
HERMIONE--------->Also inspired by Harry Potter character / Greek name derived from the name of the god Hermes.
Cant think of anymore.. So lets do some brain-storming from different locations :) Contribute your ideas!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
"Memories fade , but a photograph lasts a lifetime!"

47kgs! Can you believe that>?? Neither can I....!Time definitely flies...As I write this, my present is becoming past, second after second....The Present is a point just passed!Time only seems to matter when its running out... Every second is slipping by....Matter of few days, I'll be year older..

Irony of life! Time flies, So where did it leave you? Old too soon, Smart too late!These pics are
all my possessions for a moment of time. Time doesnt change us, it unfolds us....
The bad news is TIMES FLIES! The good news is I am the Pilot!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Finally the day has come where my talent (ahem!)would be unleashed to the world... Am not much of a singer although i like to hum along my favourite tunes and also am a music buff.. I've always been shy to sing in front of an audience or even sing along in an antakshari with friends...So this is a break-through for me... Singing and playing my guitar..
Do lemme know how u like it..
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
My Latest Obsession....!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The fish nibbles away the dead skin leaving the feet soft and smooth!The fish consumes the affected and dead areas of skin.Scary in the beginning as all the fish swarmed at ,my feet like
like how an army would charge on the enemy in a war!Thousands of fish all over my feet!!!

Does it hurt?No. Since the fish don't have teeth, they can not puncture the skin, and because of that there is no pain. But, it does tickle quite a bit, but it's not uncomfortable just a tingling sensation!
A must try!