Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hair Care/Color, the natural way!

I wish I had gone natural years ago. Since the beginning of year 2013 I'm such a different person after going NATURAL, albeit a little too late. I feel so much better inside and out and have a much positive outlook on life. I blame the chemical onslaught on our bodies for how we behave, and positive steps yield positive results!

I look at an active lifestyle, clean eating and using all-natural products as the ultimate health insurance. When you live a processed and chemical-free lifestyle, you're taking full control of the quality of your life. Most personal care products – from shampoos, conditioners and hair dyes to delicate and wickedly expensive face creams contain a virtual mine field of dangerous chemicals.

I'm in the process of trying to transition away from most of these products. After some trial and error I am now doing a few things that I'm happy with.
The first being, how I wash my hair or color it. Here are a few ways I color/condition my hair regularly. Do it yourself at home with natural herbs and products found in your kitchen cabinet. Go natural if you are cutting costs. You will actually do yourself a favor!

How to Lighten hair:

Mind you. These ingredients will not give you a blonde tint or last long. This will make your hair a few shades lighter than the original color but the difference is noticeable and beautiful. The color fades after every wash so if you don’t like the look you don’t have to wait long to try below ingredients to see what suits your hair best! All these ingredients worked perfectly well for my hair.

Honey   ★★★★✩
- really works well for black hair. 
It conditions the hair and releases a mild amount of hydrogen peroxide when diluted to lighten hair without damaging it. Mix the 2 spoons honey and 6 spoons conditioner and apply to hair. Let it sit for as long as you want( 30-60min). Rinse.

Cinnamon powder ★★★★✩
-works well for brown hair
Stir together conditioner and a good amount of cinnamon. Apply to the hair and put a shower cap over it. Let it sit for 30-60min. Shampoo and rinse.

Apple cider vinegar  ★★★★★
-works wonders on my hair!
Rinse hair with half a cup of vinegar mixed with a litre of water. This will only work over a long period of time. Apple cider vinegar  works best and is better for your hair as it’s a wonderful conditioner. I do this once a week for good results.

How to Darken hair:

The color usually is temporary lasting for about 2 weeks and fades out after every wash. I am not a henna fan although it does give my hair a nice burgundy tint and makes it bouncy. Try the below simple ingredients.

Tea(black) ★★★✩✩
-adds shine, prevents hair fall 
Boil water and put a teabag(any flavor) in as usual, allow to cool and then use it as a rinse. Let it sit in your hair for 15 minutes or so. It is recommended that the rinse is repeated between 3-6 times before rinsing it out with water.  

Beetroot ★★★★✩
- One of the best colors. 
It gives an auburn tint to your hair which will shine as highlights in sun. Boil beetroot in water till it becomes half of the original volume and use it as a rinse.

Cocoa powder + Coffee powder ★★★★★
– amazing brown shiny tint! awesome color, shine and bounce! – MY PERSONAL FAVORITE!!
After brewing 6 spoonful of coffee I mix the coffee decauction, little conditioner and 6 spoonful of cocoa powder to make a paste. I apply the paste on my hair evenly and wait for 40-60 min and then rinse. This makes the hair smell delicious! The caffeine keeps me excited and hyper all day long making my day very productive and a happy one.  Do this twice a month and you can see the hair color darken.

Other herbs that darken the hair are rosemary and sage. I usually brew a tea out of these herbs and rinse my hair. But I find that using these herbs in my hair oil works better for me. It helps in hair growth and darkening the hair. Trying to fight the greys and old age. After all I turn 30, next month!

How to Condition hair:

Eggs ★★★★★
– just amazing!
Egg is full of protein and nutrition. It will be best that u massage it on scalp for few mins and leave it on hair for about 20 mins. Use as many depending on the length of your mane. You may dislike its smell but result will be worth it! My hair fall situation is now under total control not to mention how beautiful it looks! Twice a month and your hair will shine blinding others!

Apple cider Vinegar ★★★★★
Use as above - best conditioner ever!

For luscious hair growth:

Hair oil herbal mix: ★★★★★
Hair shines, grows, bounces!
Mix Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, lavendar, chamomile, or other herbs available of your choice in your regular oil. I oil my hair once a week and leave it on for 5-6 hours. I  love the way my hair feels after wash.. Smooth, bouncy and shiny hair! I have been using Dabur amla kesh tel for the past 28 years! I fill the bottle with all these herbs and use the oil for months!

Glycerin ★★★★★
 – really works wonders!  My second favorite!
My hair feels smoother shinier and luscious! Hair actually grows in length!
My new-found love! I use 10 drops of glycerin in a mug full of water and rinse my hair slowly and let it stay wet for 10-15 min. Then wash it. The hair is moisturized and looks fuller. Hair actually grows longer than usual, no kidding! It prevents split ends and keeps hair hydrated. Just don’t over use glycerin because it might get sticky and messy. Once or twice a month is ideal.

NOTE: The results will be different on each person. The colors blend and look natural. Usually these colors last about two weeks.
Get ready for the best change of your life! GO NATURAL!

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