Sunday, March 31, 2013

Detox baths (Home Spa)– My healing secrets revealed! – PART 7

OATMEAL BATH - Moisturizing, natural cleanser
Soak Time : 20-30 MIN (once a week)
Cost : $3 for 800gm pack  (lasts for 8 baths)
My Rating : ★★★✩✩

Who doesn’t love a deep soaking bathtub? A rub-a-dub, just relaxin' in the tub! Its my favorite way to relax and unwind! I love to spoil myself and lounge in the tub with a good book, soaking away the troubles of the day. There's nothing like it!

Amazingly, oatmeal is not only makes a hearty breakfast but is also good for skin health.

How to take an Oatmeal Bath

I've had good results from putting the oatmeal in a pouch (about 100gms) and tying it up with string. I just run the bath as I usually would, the temperature I like, for maximum oaty goodness! This prevents them going down the drain as they're completely contained, and provides a satisfyingly slimy bag of oats. The water gradually turns milky. Immerse in this bath for 20 minutes.

The white milky stuff makes a lovely moisturizing bath milk.  This teamed up with some aromatherapy oils(5 drops of eucalyptus, lavender or any oil of your choice ) and you have a luxurious treatment that costs so little!

Benefits of Oatmeal Bath

- By using oatmeal bath regularly, your skin will become more elastic and softer.
- Oatmeal is perfect for dry skin, it is also great for acne and skin blemishes. Oatmeal bath also helps reduce scarring
- The oatmeal is very useful for skin as it helps you to lessen the pores and also unclogging pores.
- Oatmeal functions as an effective natural cleanser - they absorb dirt, oil and odor.

Detox soaks can turn your bathtub into a spa— a place to relieve tension, soothing the senses and a stimulating thirty minutes of happy solitude! So enjoy!


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