Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Bird's Nest Drink.

Call it culture shock!

Today while we were having our small talks, Leelin happened to mention something about Birds nest drink. At that moment I thought my ears were playing tricks again as they always do.Maybe it was a brand name of some drink. And then when I heard the description I was wide-eyed and open- mouthed!

The Chinese believe in herbal medicines too ( just like ayurveda in India). Yet I wonder why they call it herbal when they have medicines like dried seahorse.

The birds nest drink is not like what it sounds.Don't be fooled by the name. Its not birds nest in water. Its in fact the birds saliva!! Now thats a shocker, isn't it!! I dont known how I come across such fun facts! Thanks Leelin!

Birds make their nests out of twigs by sticking them together by their saliva or -Spit! These nests are soaked in water for 2 days till all the mixture becomes jelly like. It looks like coconut water with pieces of gummy jelly in it.The Chinese drink it for long life, healthy heart &  eyes . Also for men who have stamina problems.
The Bird's Nest drink
Originally uploaded by the fallen angel
This birds Spit is not cheap . The rich can afford to drink it everyday.Leelins first  question to me was," Can you drink it? You are a vegetarian!" After a few seconds I replied " Why not?? I drink Cows milk , don't I?"

While we are still little kids thats when the adults start imbibing values and culture into us until it sets deep in our minds.To the extent where anything contradicting our thoughts become strange and alien. We are told that certain things are disgusting and forbidden but sometimes by broadening the horizons not only do we become wiser but also come to face the reality that those values imbibed were not true at all!

all kind of herbs -
Originally uploaded by the fallen angel
Chinese herbal medicine
Originally uploaded by the fallen angel
Curiosity got the better of me. And so I went after work to Chinese medicine shop in my office building to see the bird nest drink for real! Also managed to take a few pics after talking to the Shop Uncle. You must visit a chinese herbal shop, its so fascinating.

At times like these I wish I could carry my Cam everywhere. Let's make do with the pictures for now.

P.S: Leelin also mentioned about Rhino horns being used for medicinal purposes, and Hashima ( dried fallopian tubes of frogs! ) consumed monthly by the Chinese for good complexion and to keep the kidney and the lungs healthy! More on this after I learn even more from a Chinese medicine man.


  1. good informative article... The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.curiosity is the begining wondering is the end.

  2. Go on exploring girl, there's so much out there and I liked the way you put it questioning if what we've learnt so far is right or not in the first place. Keep writing, its inspiring indeed.
